Quincy, M.E. is an American mystery medical drama series following Dr. Quincy (Jack Klugman), a resolute, excitable, ethical and highly proficient Medical Examiner for the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office, who works relentlessly to discover facts about and reasons for possible suspicious deaths. While engaged in police investigations and aided by his loyal lab assistant Sam Fujiyama (Robert Ito), Quincy is not afraid to stand up for his convictions. He will battle anyone who stands in his way: his skeptical boss Dr. Robert Asten (John S. Ragin), LAPD Homicide Lieutenant Frank Monahan (Garry Walberg), City Hall, and even sometimes his own friends and mentors. Dr. Quincy probes into contemporary issues and makes a passionate stand for justice.
Quincy, M.E., is the trail-blazing series that created the medical investigation genre. Many series of this genre had depicted rudimentary physical evidence analysis such as fingerprints and bullet comparisons, Quincy M.E. was the first to regularly present the in-depth forensic investigations which would be the hallmark of later detective shows.