Perry Mason

Weekdays at 4:30p • Every Night at 8p ET

  • About

Perry Mason is an American legal drama series starring the Emmy Award-winning Raymond Burr as Perry Mason, a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer who specializes in defending difficult cases. His right hand is his secretary Della Street, played by the Emmy Award-winning Barbara Hale. Together they work with investigator Paul Drake, played by William Hopper, to put their savvy crime-solving skills to work, often tricking or trapping the guilty into admitting their crimes. Perry Mason is one of TV’s longest-running and most successful legal series.

  • Details

Original Air Date: CBS (1957-66)

Additional Information: Based on characters created by Erle Stanley Gardner.

How Big Of A Perry Mason Fan Are You?

1 / 12

Perry Mason never lost a case.

2 / 12

In "The Case of the Restless Redhead," a waitress is accused of what?

3 / 12

Who is Della Street?

4 / 12

Paul Drake is an important character in many episodes. What's his profession?

5 / 12

What sort of law does Perry Mason practice?

6 / 12

In the TV series "Perry Mason," actor Raymond Burr is the title character. What's his job?

7 / 12

Our hero lawyer spends many episodes battling in the courtroom with which character?

8 / 12

What was the name of the character played by William Hopper?

9 / 12

In "The Case of the Missing Button," what is the "button"?

10 / 12

Who dies in "The Case of the Midnight Howler"?

11 / 12

How did most Perry Mason cases end?

12 / 12

Who turns up dead in "The Case of the Final Fadeout"?

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The average score is 88%


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  • Cast

Perry Mason

Actor Profile:

Della Street

Actress Profile:

Paul Drake

Actor Profile:

Lt. Arthur Tragg

Actor Profile:

Hamilton Burger

Actor Profile: