Barney Miller

Every Night beginning at 11:40p ET

  • About

Barney Miller is an American sitcom television series about New York City’s fictional 12th Precinct in Greenwich Village. Set mostly in the squad room, Captain Barney Miller (Hal Linden) can be found trying to retain his sanity while dealing with the never-ending stream of staff shenanigans, red tape, budget problems and paperwork that make up his job. Miller’s wife Elizabeth “Liz” (Barbara Barrie) is a social worker. Sgt. Philip K. Fish (Abe Vigoda) is the senior detective on the squad who is close to retirement—his knowledge is balanced with his crotchetiness. Stanley “Wojo” Wojciehowicz (Max Gail) is the naive, gung-ho yet goodhearted Catholic Polish-American. Ron Harris (Ron Glass) is the ambitious and intellectual African-American detective preoccupied with his wardrobe and writing career. Nick Yemana (Jack Soo) is the philosophical and wisecracking Japanese-American detective noted for his off-beat sense of humor. Miguel “Chano” Amenguale (Gregory Sierra) is a dauntless Puerto Rican detective who is emotionally attached to his job. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich (Steve Landesburg) is the intellectual detective who has a calm, levelheaded demeanor. Officer Carl Levitt (Ron Carey) is a competent and hard-working uniformed officer who constantly and passive-aggressively badgers Miller about being promoted. Rounding out the cast is Deputy Inspector Frank Luger (James Gregory), Miller’s out-of-touch, unapologetic old-school superior who often drops by the precinct.

  • Details

Original Air Date: ABC (1975-82)

Created By: Danny Arnold and Theodore J. Flicker

How Big Of A Barney Miller Fan Are You?

1 / 12

Who is cited for contempt of court and does some time in jail?

2 / 12

What is Barney Miller's rank?

3 / 12

In which city is "Barney Miller" set?

4 / 12

Who is notorious for his bad coffee?

5 / 12

Which two members of the squad are married?

6 / 12

Which of the detectives is also an aspiring writer?

7 / 12

Barney Miller's squad fights crime in which precinct?

8 / 12

Which member of the squad is most proud of his fashionable wardrobe?

9 / 12

On "Barney Miller", what was Detective Phil Fish's wife's name?

10 / 12

On "Barney Miller", what was the name of the man brought in the station because he thought he was a werewolf?

11 / 12

What was the title of the original pilot of "Barney Miller"?

12 / 12

What was the name of the unprincipled attorney who regularly dropped by the 12th Precinct on "Barney Miller"?

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The average score is 84%


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  • Cast

Barney Miller

Actor Profile:

Stan “Wojo” Wojciehowicz

Actor Profile:

Ron Harris

Actor Profile:

Arthur Dietrich

Actor Profile:

Phil Fish

Actor Profile: