FETV Achieves Highest Monthly Ratings In History of the Network
July 20, 2022

July 20, 2022
- FETV Achieves Highest Monthly Ratings In History of the Network
South Bend, IN - FETV (Family Entertainment Television), home to beloved and timeless television series and movies carried across cable, satellite and virtual platforms, announced today that June 2022 marks the network’s highest monthly ratings ever, according to C3 ratings released by Nielsen Media Research.
“In an increasingly fragmented entertainment world, we’re thrilled to see our audience consistently growing and our timeless slate of family-friendly programming resonating with viewers,” said Drew Sumrall, President and CEO of FETV. “We aim to entertain audiences with our vast library of quality TV shows and movies, and these record-breaking ratings validate our programming and distribution strategies.”
FETV’s June and Second Quarter ratings highlights include:
● Highest monthly average ever in Total Day and Prime with Total Audience, Households, Adults 25-54, and Adults 35-64.
● 52 consecutive weeks of year-over-year growth in Total Day with Total Audience.
● Highest quarterly average ever in Total Day and Prime with Total Audience, Households, Adults 25-54, and Adults 35-64.
● Three consecutive months of record Prime ratings with Adults 25-54.
● Fifth consecutive quarter of year-over-year growth in Total Day with Adults 25-54.
● FETV ranks second in year-over-year growth percentage of C3 ratings in Total Day with Households among ad-supported cable networks.
● Since becoming Nielsen C3 rated in September 2019, FETV has improved in Total Day with Households by 44% and in Prime with Households by 53%.
● For the month of June, FETV ranked #43 in Total Day with Households among ad-supported cable networks and #36 in Prime with Households. In September 2019, FETV ranked #66 in Total Day and #61 in Prime, an increase of 23 spots and 25 spots, respectively.
FETV’s record-breaking ratings come on the heels of the network's recent addition of 11 million subscribers through a launch with the nation’s largest cable provider. FETV’s lineup features popular television series such as Perry Mason, Emergency!, Leave It to Beaver, Rawhide, and films such as the Perry Mason TV Movies.
Source: Nielsen NTI (NPOWER), Nielsen Calendar, C3 Impressions, full details available upon request.
About FETV and FMC
FETV’s June and Second Quarter ratings highlights include:
Launched in 2013, FETV is home to a 24-hour schedule of beloved and timeless television series and movies carried across cable, satellite and virtual platforms reaching more than 50 million homes. Launched in 2021, FMC features a 24-hour schedule celebrating the depth and variety of movies from the 1930’s through the 1970’s, and is currently available on Dish Network, Frndly, altafiber and Evoca. FETV and FMC are independently owned and operated by Family Broadcasting Company based in South Bend, Indiana with an office in New York City.
Media Contact:
Ali Smith / Natalie Yallouz
MPRM Communications
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